Atrocity Exhibition (e-book)
by Brad Evans
A collection of writings, reflections, and interviews from political philosopher and critical theorist Brad Evans, written between 2010 and 2017. Evans collaborates with and interviews Simon Critchley, Julian Reid, Adrian Parr, Henry Giroux, Grace Pollock, Tyler Pollard, and Victoria Harper in his considerations of our era of violence and confusion. Brad Evans has studied and written about the history of violence for years and has been collaborating with and interviewing the world’s greatest artists, humanists, and philosophers about the human propensity for violence.
Praise for Atrocity Exhibition
“What has really changed in the way we conceive violence after September 11, 2001? With a gripping and immediate pace of dialogue, Brad Evans leads the reader into the heart of this debate, showing with deep meaning and critical insight what it means to live in times that leave us all “dangerously exposed.”
–Simona Forti, author of “The New Demons: Rethinking Power and Evil Today”
“Brad Evans is one of those rare thinkers who continue to show that our contemporary predilection for fear is a vain reification of the very violence we reject. Ignore Evans at your own peril.”
–Jake Chapman, of the Chapman Brothers
“Brad Evans is the George Clooney of philosophy.”
–Russell Brand
About The Authors
Brad Evans is a political philosopher, critical theorist, and writer, who specializes in the problem of violence. The author of some 10 books and edited volumes, along with over 50 academic and media articles, he serves as Professor of Political Violence & Aesthetics at the University of Bath, UK. Having led a dedicated series on violence for The New York Times (the Stone), he is currently the lead editor for the Histories of Violence section with the Los Angeles Review of Books. He also continues to direct the online resources centre www.historiesofviolence.com. Brad’s books have received prestigious international awards and have been translated into many languages, including Spanish, Turkish, Korean and German. Among his latest are Violence: Humans in Dark Times (with Natasha Lennard, Citylights, 2018); Histories of Violence: Post-War Critical Thought (with Terrell Carver, Zed Books, 2017); Portraits of Violence: An Illustrated History of Radical Thinking (with Sean Michael Wilson, New Internationalist, 2016); Disposable Futures: The Seduction of Violence in the Age of the Spectacle (with Henry Giroux, City Lights: 2015); Resilient Life: The Art of Living Dangerously (with Julian Reid, Polity Press, 2014); Liberal Terror (Polity Press, 2013); and Deleuze & Fascism: Security – War – Aesthetics (with Julian Reid, Routledge, 2013). Brad is currently working on a number of book projects, including The Atrocity Exhibition: Life in an Age of Total Violence (LARB Books, 2019) and Ecce Humanitas: Beholding the Pain of Humanity (Columbia University Press, 2020). He is also working on a project that explores the aesthetics of human disappearance, while writing, in his spare time, a work of fiction. Website: www.brad-evans.co.uk
Henry Armand Giroux currently holds the McMaster University Chair for Scholarship in the Public Interest at McMaster University. He is the author of several books, including Neoliberalism’s War on Higher Education and Dangerous Thinking in the Age of the New Authoritarianism. He currently lives in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
Russell Brand is an English comedian, actor, author, and activist. His books include My Booky Wook (2007), Revolution (2014), and Recovery: Freedom from Our Addictions (2017).