Examination Copy Policy
Examination copies will be sent to an instructor considering a book for course adoption. Requests may be emailed but must be on PDF department letterhead and include the following information:
Course title and number
Expected enrollment
Semester or quarter the course will be taught
Instructor’s name
Institution name
Institution address
An “approval invoice” will be included with the exam copy for the list price less a 30% discount. If the book is adopted as a text and an order is received for 10 or more copies within 90 days, it may be kept as a free desk copy. If it is not adopted, the book may be purchased at the discounted price. Books will be sent to the school address only. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.
Desk Copy Policy
Desk copies will be sent to an instructor who has placed an order for 10 or more copies with a bookstore.
Each request must be made on a “Desk Copy Request Form” (provided by the bookstore) or on departmental letterhead.
Course title and number
Semester or quarter the course will be taught
Instructor’s name
Instructor’s address
For more information, contact Sonia Ali.